E.T The Extra Terrestrial
After 1977's Close Encounters (see no 11), director Steven Spielberg reversed the alien encounter formula to wonder not what we would make of them but what they would make of us. The result was this 1982 blockbuster, which eclipsed even the original Star Wars and received nine Oscar nominations (winning four) – a feat unheard of for a film with such overt sci-fi content. Despite its genre trappings, ET balanced its fantasy content with an academy-pleasing dose of sentiment, played out in the home life of Elliott (Henry Thomas), a lonely 10- year-old whose parents are separating. Little time is spent revealing where the film's ET has come from, or how he came to be left behind. Instead, Spielberg focuses on the film's unlikely-buddy story; the middle child of three (Drew Barrymore is the sweet but clingy younger sister, Robert MacNaughton the cynical teenage big brother), Elliott takes in the ET as the friend and confidant he doesn't have. Largely filmed from an a...
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