(POST 1) Opening task introduced
What questions were you given (photo)?
From our four options we chose our top
two which where "what's 'that'? in the Meatloaf song?" and
also the story of Humpty dumpty.
For the Meatloaf song we wanted the question
to be entertaining
and humours when asking others ideas on the song lyrics meaning. For
the Humpty Dumpty story we want it to be entertaining however also educational,
we want to be able to add humour but also different interputations of
the childhood story.
When looking into both of the options we
decided to create a film on meatloaf’s song lyrics, the plot of the film would be us ask a
range of people, different ages about their own interputation of
the song and its
meaning. We
would start the film by playing the song up into the chorus and then we would
switch focus onto a teacher and then we would ask “so what do you think the
“’that?’ is in the song?” after his/her response we would then switch again to
a different location (for example on the streets in wymondham) and ask an older
different person what their interputation is.
After their response we would switch to a musician. We want to interview 7
people all in all. Some would be in groups, for example a group of 3 students
and recording their “debate” and sharing of ideas.
Initial ideas for setting, character and
casting, for the song we would like to ask a range of people in a
range of
settings, for example in the streets of wymondham, the clc
learning area at the school, teachers in class rooms and also family and
friends at home.
We want there to be a change in settings for each person we ask.
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